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Mis hormonas son malas? Are my hormons bad "people"?

Dedicado a mi amiga ...ritoooDedicated to my friend...ritoo!

This post is about the conclusions we came to yesterday after she and I spoke on the phone and she told me: "Quiero matar a mis hormonas!" (I want to kill my hormones!).

Or here’s another sentence she kept repeating: "Quiero operarme de mis hormonas!" (I want to surgically remove my hormones!) 

What about... Observing yourself; taking notes of your symptoms and feelings every week or, even better, every day! I know it sounds like a lot of work... well it is a bit of work, but super WORTH IT!
(By ‘ovulation day’ I mean the day your body is ready to make babies, so you might feel pretty, flirty, energetic, happy...).

"Ovulation is a phase that occurs in a female's menstrual cycle. Though ovulation encompasses many different aspects, in general, when a female is said to be ovulating, this indicates the process that ultimately infers the stage in which a female is most able to conceive."
"Ovulation is a phase that occurs in a female's menstrual cycle. Though ovulation encompasses many different aspects, in general, when a female is said to be ovulating, this indicates the process that ultimately infers the stage in which a female is most able to conceive."

And to answer your questions in another way let me share this blog with you all:
On the home page: "Without hormones or imbalanced hormones, we lose any grip on feeling "normal." Without hormones, life quality is greatly diminished. Without hormones, a woman is at her weakest physically. Without hormones, disease is allowed to proliferate because the brain perceives that the body is no longer reproductive; therefore, nature wants to "eliminate" you to make way for those who are healthy and reproductive."

So, yeah you can get rid of them if you want but I would think twice if I were you before doing so!
And to answer your questions in another way let me share this blog with you all:

On the home page: "Without hormones or imbalanced hormones, we lose any grip on feeling "normal." Without hormones, life quality is greatly diminished. Without hormones, a woman is at her weakest physically. Without hormones, disease is allowed to proliferate because the brain perceives that the body is no longer reproductive; therefore, nature wants to "eliminate" you to make way for those who are healthy and reproductive."
So, yeah you can get rid of them if you want but I would think twice if I were you before doing so!
So, yeah you can get rid of them if you want but I would think twice if I were you before doing so!
As we already know, hormones are not easy to deal with, but wouldn’t it be easier if we knew more about them?

Oh yeah! Much easier!
Knowing and controlling your emotions is one of the most powerful tools you can ever use.

Some vocabulary I will be using in future posts:

High hormones: Sex now!
Examples of symptoms can be finding everyone around you attractive, and your thoughts go straight to the ‘zone’! Even if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend!
Care/petting hormones: hugs and nice chats only.
You feel very loving towards people! Love and life are beautiful!

Low hormones/libido: No sex at all.
The opposite of the first state - so not finding anyone attractive.

If you feel like your hormones are high, just go for it (that doesn't mean go for any guy or girl! Well that’s up to you, but I mean make plans which are gonna satisfy you) and enjoy.

 If they are not, then why don't you make different plans such as meeting your friends/family, spending an intellectual day reading, watching something, anything but DO NOT FORCE your body. Do not force situations!
If instead your hormones are just in the middle - so petting hormones - maybe you feel like preparing a romantic day or dinner for your partner or a special friend.

When you start to really know yourself, you can even make the right plans in advance because by observation you can almost guess how you are gonna feel in the near future.

Find out when your ovulation day is! Do it!

There are different Iphone apps, and I’m sure for the rest of the phones too, that do this. I am using one called PD, which provides you with a beautiful calendar where you can note any symptoms and of course your days. It also calculates your special days, fertile days, and ovulation day!
Here’s the link:

So ritooo your hormones are not bad, they are just what they are, just as you are you and, even if you don't want it, they are part of you and it’s a lot better to get on with them! ;)

Have a great day/ night!


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