Hello! I know quite contradictory post when all I promote here is sex! Right? Well today I would like to point out these times when we are not enjoying enough in bed and for some reason we just carry on, when I say we are not enjoying enough I mean, it is not good enough for our standards or wishes, not that we are hating it but just not being as good as we know it could be. Why don´t we say no? When we are not that horny? Ego? Insecurity? You just want to make sure you are having regular sex even if it´s mediocre? Maybe to double check how much you love someone else you are dating already? You don´t want to let the guy/ girl down? You are afraid of what the other person will think about you if you stop it in the middle of the session? There are many types of sex sessions, the ones that are just sex, the ones that are connected to the universe and the passional quick ones, just to classify them somehow. I am sure we could bring more than 100 to the tabl...